Introduction . . .

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Project Research Blog – Part 1 (The Interface)


»   I can use computer graphic tools and design processes to help me develop, new original ideas.
»   I can create a blog using to communicate my project ideas

»   I can completely customize a blog for aesthetics, organization, & smooth navigation 
»   I can create a custom organization system with smooth navigation using “labels” & “Pages" 
»    I understand the responsibilities and ethics associated with publishing to the internet
»   Create a blog using to be used as a “Project Research Blog”.
»   Create a clear organizational system using labels & pages for the following areas, Overview, Initial Research, Design, Plan, Create, and Final Project.
»   Create a new “test” post for each label.  
»   Remove the “About Me Gadget”  
»   Remove the “Blog Archive” 
»   Turn off the Navigation Bar or Navbar 
»   Create a custom header image that reflects your project theme
»   Assign every post an appropriate label.

What is a “Project Research Blog?”

In your Project Research Blog you are to experiment with ideas, research topics, compile sources, brainstorm issues, sketch possible solutions, make changes, reject proposals and critically evaluate ones work. All relevant activities and outcomes should be recorded, and dated, in the Project Research Blog.

Your Project Research Blog must be clearly divided into: Initial Research, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate, and Final Project.
Here is my Example:

Project Research Blog Setup Notes:

Create a new “test” post for each label.  Give the following Post Titles to each post.  Overview, Initial Research, Design, Plan, Create, and Final Project.  For each post add the appropriate Label: Overview, Initial Research, Design, Plan, Create, and Final Project
Add Pages:  Add the following pages via web address (Label): OVERVIEW, INITIAL RESEARCH, DESIGN, PLAN, CREATE, and FINAL PROJECT.   << Show Me How >>
**Use the following format for the linked web address:

Turn off Navbar  << Show Me How >>

Remove “Showing posts with label ********. Show all posts” 
<< Show Me How >>

Remove the “About Me” gadget

Remove the “Blog Archive” gadget


Remove “Subscribe to: Posts ( Atom )“

Configure Blog Posts   << Show Me How >>

Make Private? Your Choice???  Change Settings: Settings:Posts and Comments
<< Show Me How >>
Create a Static “Home Page” This sets your “Home Page” or the first page you will see,  to an address of your choice. 

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